How to Turn On And Off TC Light On Chevy Equinox: Guide

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You can learn about the Chevy Equinox light and how you turn on and off the TC light. It’s a tiny SUV with many fans because of its performance, design, and safety features. In further advanced technology, you may notice several indicators and lights flashing on your dashboard.

The TC light is one such light that may have piqued your interest. This term refers to Traction Control, a feature in your Equinox that ensures your wheels grip the road adequately, especially in wet or snowy weather. You can learn here a step-by-step guide on how to use TC light.

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Understanding The TC Light

The TC light on your Chevy Equinox dashboard is an important indicator. It is helpful and acts as an efficient tool for your vehicle’s traction control system, a complex technology meant to improve stability and minimize wheel slippage, especially in bad weather.

How to Turn On and Off TC Light on Chevy Equinox?

The TC light is helpful for drivers of potential traction problems. While you can’t flip the TC light On and Off like a switch, you can fix the underlying issues that cause it. Here are a few steps guide:

Turning ON the TC Light on Chevy Equinox:

Some factors cause some reactions:

Low Traction Conditions: In slippery terrains such as ice, snow, or damp roadways, side Low traction can occur.

Sensor Malfunctions: Problems with wheel speed sensors or other ABS components can cause the TC light to be bright.

Internal Traction Control System Faults: Internal traction control system faults may potentially be an issue.

Environmental Conditions: Be cautious when driving in inclement weather. The TC light may illuminate to warn you of potential traction problems.

Addressing the Problem: To resolve any underlying issues, follow the methods mentioned in Turning Off the TC Light section below.

Turning OFF the TC Light on Chevy Equinox:

Park Safely: Find a safe place, flat spot to park your Chevy Equinox and engage the parking brake

Inspect Tires: Look for evident signs of damage, low pressure, or uneven wear on all four tires. Tire care is important for traction control systems.

Engine Restart: Turn off the engine, wait a few moments, and then restart it. In rare moments, the TC light may have been caused by a transitory fault that has since been resolved.

Test Drive: Go for a short test drive in a safe environment. Take note of how the vehicle handles. If the TC light remains off during the journey, it is possible that the problem was only transitory.

Emergency Situation: What to Do if TC Light Flashes While Driving

Reduce Speed Safely: Reduce your speed smoothly by easing off the accelerator. Avoid slamming on the brakes since this may aggravate the condition.

Maintain Consistent Speed: Keep your foot firmly planted on the accelerator and avoid abrupt accelerations or decelerations. This makes the traction control system regain control.

Smoothly and gradually steer: Adjust the steering normally. Avoid making quick twists or sudden movements, especially on slick surfaces.

Inspect Tires and Surroundings: After stopping, inspect your tires and surroundings for visible damage or symptoms of low pressure. Before proceeding, inspect the road surface for more risks.

Locate a Safe Place to Pull Over: Once you have slowed down, find a safe place to pull over away from traffic. This could be a parking lot or the road shoulder.


Can I manually turn off the ‘TC’ light?

No, the TC  light cannot be switched off manually like a switch. It is a warning indicator for traction issues and must be known by addressing the underlying issue. Ignoring it can jeopardize vehicle stability and safety.

What does TC mean on Chevy Equinox? 

TC stands for Traction Control on a Chevy Equinox. It is a safety element that prevents wheel slippage in difficult driving circumstances such as wet or snowy roads. When the traction control light shines, it means that the system is actively striving to maintain stability and traction.

How to turn off eco mode on Chevy Equinox?

If you want to turn off Eco Mode in a Chevy Equinox, find the Drive Mode Selector button on the center console and cycle through the settings until the Eco Mode indicator is no longer on. This disables Eco Mode and allows the vehicle to function in a different mode for a more diversified driving experience.

How to turn off the TC light on Chevy Equinox 2023?

The TC (Traction Control) light in the 2023 Chevy Equinox cannot be turned off normally. But, address likely causes by inspecting tires for damage or low pressure and ensuring ABS components are in efficient working order. If the light remains, seek professional help for further evaluation.

Why Your Traction Control Warning Light Is On, and What to Do?

The TC warning light is indicated by detected wheel slippage or a system fault. It is important to treat the underlying issue as soon as possible by inspecting tires, and sensors, and obtaining professional evaluation if necessary.
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Mr Carter

I have spent nearly 15 years repairing vehicles and trucks. I worked with UTI and their Custom Training Group for 10 years. During my ten years at Chrysler, I was frequently fielding calls from field techs. This diverse skill set positions me as a versatile professional, adept at handling a wide spectrum of challenges in both the automotive and electrical spheres. I also like to inform people by writing about the cars and related functions۔‎

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